Sunday, June 7, 2020

Week June 8-12

Bonjour mes amis.  I hope you all had a great weekend.  I went to Andrew Hayden Park with my boys and we saw so many "oisons".  It was crazy.  Mme B has a new wild life friend living in my yard:  "un swisse" or a chipmunk.  
This week we are going to be talking about farm animals and their babies.  "Les animaux de la ferme".  I miss going to the experimental farm to see the baby animals.  It is one of my favourite things to do with my family.  Hopefully it will be open soon!

Please click on the following slideshow to read all about farm animals and their babies.

Here are our vocabulary words for this week to practice:

Le parent:

Le bébé:

La vache

Le veau


Les oisons

Le cochon

Le porcelet

Le cheval

Le poulain

La poule

Le poussin

Please click on the following link to access this week's worksheets.  If you do not have a printer, please practice copying the above words.

You can continue with yesterday's worksheets today, or if you are done, you can write a journal entry about your favourite farm animal.  Here are some sentence starters:
J'aime...(I like)
Je vois...(I see)

Today is tech Thursday.  I have added some new decks to your boom card account on "les animaux de la ferme".  
Here are some songs/activities to practice at home:
It's craft challenge day!  I thought it would be fun this week to make a farm animal of your choice. You can use some recyclable items such as paper plates, cups and toilet paper rolls. Here are some examples:
Farm Animal Crafts  Cardboard Tube Farm Animals: The Round Up! - Crafts by Amanda

Farm Kid Crafts - Fun Farm Themed Activities - A Crafty Life Farm Animal Windsock Craft for Kids - Buggy and Buddy

This Thursday is our GOOGLE MEET.  Please click on the following link to sign up.  

This week we will have another colour scavenger hunt.   As well, if you have any stuffed animals that are farm animals, please bring them to join in the fun!

Thanks so much for visiting and participating in French learning at home.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at
As well, please continue to email or post to seesaw your child's completed work for the week.  
Have a wonderful week and see you Thursday morning at 10am.

Mme B

Grass Background clipart - Animal, Cartoon, Horse, transparent ...

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