I hope that you are enjoying your summer vacation so far. It is so hot! "Il fait très chaud!". Mme B has been so busy trying to get her crazy pool up and going. There have been a few problems, but it's almost there. I will take a pic and share it with you when it's done.
I can't wait to jump in and cool off!
I just wanted to share a few summer activities with you if you have some free time and want to brush up on your French to get ready for Grade 2.
This is it! We did it. We made it to the end of the school year and online learning from home. I am so proud of all of you and how hard you have all worked over the school year. I know it has not been easy, but your hard work has paid off and we finally made it to summer vacation. WooHoo!
This week we will focus on "L’été". Summer arrives this weekend, and with it, the longest day of the year. Many of you told me this week during our google meet that you have been swimming and I am really looking forward to doing that soon too! It's so hot!
Today am adding some videos about "les vacances d'été" that are read aloud for you.
Please click on the following link for some summer themed activity pages. If you do not have a printer, you can simply draw a picture of what you would like to do this summer.
Thursday is our final google meet at 10am. Please ask your child to wear their PJs and bring a stuffed animal. As well, they can bring a show and tell item. Here is the sign up link:
For those of you who are interested in continuing to work on your French skills over the summer, I am going to regularly update this blog with new learning/activities over the next two months.
Thank you so much for visiting and going on this online education journey with me. It has been a learning curve for me personally. But, I've learned some cool new technology and feel like I have bonded with all of you. I can't wait to see you all soon and I hope you have a wonderful summer break. You deserve it!
Bonjour mes amis. I hope you enjoyed your weekend. It was pretty windy and cold, it almost felt like "l'automne". I hurt my knee last week, so I've been stuck at home while the boys go for walks. That makes me sad, but I'm hoping to be up and walking again soon. I miss going to see the baby "oisons". They really don't look like babies anymore. They are getting so big!
Next weekend is "Lafête des Pères", so this week I have added some crafts and activities to prepare for that special day.
We are also focusing on the human body parts "Les parties du corps" in French this week. Mrs. P told me that some of the grade one classes will also be doing this too in English, so it will be nice to do it in both languages. I know we already covered this topic in Grade one this year, but I thought it would be nice to review before the summer.
Please click on the following slide show to read "les parties du corps".
If you do not have a printer at home, please just copy the above image of the human body and label it.
Today we will work on "Lafête des Pères". Click on the following link for colouring sheets on Father's Day. If you do not have a printer, you can draw a picture of your dad and add the words "Je t'aime Papa.".
Today in Tech Thursday. I have added two new decks on Boomcards on "les parties du corps" for you to practice your vocabulary words at home. As well, here are some songs/activities about the human body in French to practice too:
Today is craft Friday. Click on the following link for a template to create a Father's Day tie craft. It takes about 4 sheets of paper to print and some parental supervision. If your child does not feel comfortable completing this craft, that's ok! They can always create their own unique craft/card for their Papa.
Our Google Meet is Thursday, June 18 at 10am. We will be talking about our Father's Day crafts, body parts, and checking in on each other. Here is the link for the sign up: